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Auto Loans

Personal Loans

We offer a variety of personal loans to assist you in whatever situation you are in.  Maybe you are wanting to buy a new car, or would like to consolidate debt, or take that vacation you always wanted.  DWB is here to help!

Auto Loans

We offer loans for both new & used vehicles for various terms.  Stop by one of our DWB lending locations or apply online.

Apply Here

Other Personal Loans

Speak to one of our loan professionals for individualized loans for debt consolidation, vacation expense or other personal needs.  Stop by one of our DWB lending locations or apply online.

Apply Here

Contact us

Bowman Location

(701) 523-5616

Scranton Location

(701) 275-6300

Hettinger Location

(701) 567-4511


(701) 563-4900

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